TypeScript SDK
Transaction Building
Building Offline

Building Offline

In the event that you want to build a transaction block offline (i.e. with no client required), you need to fully define all of your input values, and gas configuration (see the following example). For pure values, you can provide a Uint8Array which will be used directly in the transaction. For objects, you can use the Inputs helper to construct an object reference.

import { Inputs } from '@mysten/sui.js';
// For pure values:
// For owned or immutable objects:
txb.object(Inputs.ObjectRef({ digest, objectId, version }));
// For shared objects:
txb.object(Inputs.SharedObjectRef({ objectId, initialSharedVersion, mutable }));

You can then omit the client object when calling build on the transaction. If there is any required data that is missing, this will throw an error.