The typescript SDK supports
Sui Multi-Signature (opens in a new tab) signing via the
This class implements the same interface as the PublicKey
classes used by KeyPairs,
and can be used to verify signatures for PersonalMessages
and TransactionBlocks
using the same
Creating a MultiSigPublicKey
You can create a MultiSigPublicKey
by providing pairs of PublicKey
and weight
values, along
with a threshold.
import { ED25519KeyPair } from '@mysten/sui.js/keypairs/ed25519';
const kp1 = new ED25519KeyPair();
const kp2 = new ED25519KeyPair();
const kp3 = new ED25519KeyPair();
const multiSigPublicKey = MultiSigPublicKey.fromPublicKeys({
threshold: 2,
publicKeys: [
publicKey: kp1.getPublicKey(),
weight: 1,
publicKey: kp2.getPublicKey(),
weight: 1,
publicKey: kp3.getPublicKey(),
weight: 2,
const multisigAddress = multiSigPublicKey.getAddress();
The resulting MultiSigPublicKey will allow you to verify signatures with a combined weight of at least 2. A signature signed with only kp1 or kp2 would not be considered valid, but a signature signed with kp1 and kp2, or kp3 by itself would be valid.
Combining signatures with a MultiSigPublicKey
To sign a message or transaction for a multig address, you will need to collect signatures from the
individual keypairs, and then combine them into a signature using the MultiSigPublicKey
class for
the address.
// This example uses the same keypairs and multiSigPublicKey from the previous example
const message = new TextEncoder().encode('hello world');
const signature1 = (await kp1.signPersonalMessage(message)).signature;
const signature2 = (await kp2.signPersonalMessage(message)).signature;
const combinedSignature = multiSigPublicKey.combinePartialSignatures([signature1, signature2]);
const isValid = await multiSigPublicKey.verifyPersonalMessage(message, combinedSignature);